21. September Demonstrationen

Soeben hat mich die Information aus Malawi erreicht, dass morgen die Menschen auf die Strassen gehen, um gegen den Präsidenten zu demonstrieren, da er noch immer nicht auf Ihren Antrag antwortet. Hoffen wir, dass die Demonstrationen friedlich bleiben und die Malawier erfolgreich für Ihre demokratischen Rechte streiten.

„The High Court has vacated an injunction stopping Wednesday’s anti-government nationwide demonstrations and vigils as planned by the civil society.“

Quelle: Nyasatimes

Dandire schreibt:

„I urge my fellow malawian to have a peaceful demo.breaking other people’s properties or harming each is not a solution.At the end of the day its our malawi.Mutharika is not going to lose anything since our taxes will provide him with massive security around the clock.The other thing is that, i beg our unprofessional police not to use guns anyhow where deems not necessary to use guns.These people are even fighting for police,the army and anybody so that we have a better malawi for everybody.Better life should not be only for a few greedy people who believes by bootlicking the failed Bingu are serving Malawi.The haves and havenots gap is getting wider and wider in malawi just because of some few greedy people who wants everything for themselves.Let create a better malawi for everybody and we should desist for anybody to divide us for his own cheap gains like Bingu.Tiye tonse tikakwapule chi demo choopsya kwabasi that will shake malawi.“

Um auf die morgigen Demonstrationen vorbereitet zu sein möchte ich meinen Freunden in Malawi folgendes Video von Slavoj Žižek, einer der wenigen brillianten europäischen Philosophen, vorschlagen, der darüber spricht was es heute heisst revolutionär zu sein.


[Update 23:26h]

„Malawi government has called the three-day mass stay away from work called by civil society groups as illegal and asked workers to get to work and students to be in classes.
The activists called for a stay-away from Wednesday, despite winning a court battle allowing them to hold vigils, saying they feared for their safety.
But government through Information Minister Patricia Kaliati urged people to go to working saying it will be a normal working day.“

Source: Nyasatimes

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