Case modding

Mein Freund Andrew Msiska ist ein Produzent von lokalen Musikern hier in Malawi. Jeden Tag rennt er von Ort zu Ort um Musik Kassetten oder CDs zu produzieren. In Malawi Musik zu produzieren ist sehr hart, da die Duplikatormaschinen allesamt in den Händen von reichen Indern sind, welche die lokalen Musiker ausnützen und sich auf dessen Kosten bereichern. (Eine Analogie zur Musikindustrie und DRM?)
Deshalb habe ich ein CD Duplikator Kontroller aus der Schweiz für Andrew mitgebracht. Nun hat er sich ein paar CD-RW Brenner beschafft und sich vom Tischler eine Kiste für sein Gerät bauen lassen. In den nächsten Wochen wird er das Gehäuse mit afrikanischen Schnitzereien verzieren lassen.

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case1 case2 case3

3 Responses to “Case modding”

  1. rca Says:

    Yeah, sehr geil!

    This is awesome, great workmanship 🙂 These guys could make very nice arcade cabinets or groovy case mods for our market here. Don’t you want to post those pictures to the HardOCP modding forum? 😉

  2. “Exterminate All the Brutes” » Blog Archive » American Corner Malawi in Blantyre Says:

    […] There shall not lack education to the “illiterate” africa. Not only the students, but also the public should have access to the Information of the Polytechnic Library. That’s why the 13th of November the US embassy wants to open the “AMERICAN CORNER BLANTYRE” (ACM). The ACM is some sort of reading are, where the Malawian public can use the Internet for their research as well, as the books that were brought from an american Library. So far this seems to be a nice idea. A deed of which the american embassy is proud of itself. But what else would you call more imperialistic than development aid: The furniture was entirely produced in the united states and imported to Malawi. Under the cover of altruism in this way the american industrie is assisted more than the local one. We all know that in Blanytre you can find a lot of very nicely produced furniture made out of the best Malawian woods (Mulanje Ceder, Mahagoni wood etc.) and you would assist the local industry. (Here I’d like to take reference to the locally produced CD-duplicator case.) This way you would make sure the impact to the local carpenter would be longer lasting and effective. […]

  3. Connectogon Says:


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