Oberst Kurtz

Look, please don’t get me wrong. But sometimes I feel like disappointed, cause I am not the person who likes to push and force things, but I like to see projects running with a certain automotive flow.

What I am strongly hoping and wishing is to establish and feed an autonomous and independent ICT movement which could compete with western and international standards. But as long as ICT donations do not turn into self deployment, I do not have any interest in feeding neo-colonial development aid and „begging culture“.I am sure you understand my point. It does not come with anger or frustration, but the intention to kick your University towards a paradigm shift which should lead to a thinking and understanding of independence and freedom.

„Anthu Ozindikira amagwirisa ntchito Free Software“ (Self thinking humans use Software Libre)
The world is shifting and the political and commercial interest of western countries into Africa are trying to establish neo-imperial dependencies, which are deadly for African cultures.

I don’t like the role of the Imperialist Colonel Kurtz from Joseph Conrad’s story „Heart of darkness“. I want you, Poly and KCN to show that you can do it on your own. And don’t need the doctrine of western economies. This has not yet happened to a satisfiable extent, I think.

Maybe you can show and prove what Poly is doing with the gained knowledge and report how far the ICT dept. is working on research in the field of innovative ICT solutions?

Take care & all the best, Akulu-Akulu Alex

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