Konzept 2006
Project Concept V. 0.3.2
Dieses Webtagebuch wurde für das anstehende Malawi Projekt vom 1. Oktober bis 15. Dezember 2006 eingerichtet. Mehr Informationen zunächst per E-Mail: antener@fsfeurope.org
The first project took place between February and August 2004. The aim was to introduce Free Software to the „University of Malawi The Polytechnic“ and to support employees in setting up a network at the University. More information about the first run can be found on the website http://lix.cc/projects/malawi/malawi04/
The second run takes place between October and December 2006 and aims to educate about the political and economical value of Free Software in educational environments and especially Universities. The value of freedom, beeing able to access source code as well as modifying and redistributing it will be shown to students and systems administrators at the example of a running Edubuntu environment based on a brand new server and thin client system.
The thin client system that consists of two servers with large storage capacity and latest processor technology is beeing implemented. Furthermore, about 20 to 30 Futjitsu-Siemens thin clients (FUTRO B200, FUTRO S300) will be put to use. The ICT (Information and Communication Technology Department) of the Polytechnic provides the technical rollout of this system by making the Technicians of the Polytechnic familiar with the LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) based Edubuntu system.
In a second step, technicians and students of the IT department of the Polytechnic will be trained in the use of Free Software, especially Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Ubuntu GNU/Linux is a Debian GNU/Linux based Linux System that is sponsored by the South-African Mark Shuttleworth. He was personally told about 2004’s project through the FSFE. The Polytechnic Mirror that was set up in 2004 will be updated and extended by an Ubuntu repository. All the technical documentation will also be available on the Polytechnic web servers as well as on the web server of the project.
As soon as the work at the Polytechnic is done, the project will be presented at the other colleges in Malawi, such as the College of Agriculture and the Chancellor College in Zomba.
The whole project will be documented in writing and in pictures by a graphics designer who will accompany the project. In addition this documentary will be published in a weblog at http://lix.cc/projects/malawi as well as through the FSFE press contacts.
Project management is done by Alex Antener, graduate media artist. He studied at the new media department of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Zürich, Switzerland. His web site is reachable at http://lix.cc/projects. He is also a Core Team member of the Free Software Foundation Europe.
Technical support and information assistance is provided by Ramon Cahenzli. He works as GNU/Linux systems administrator. He is an FSFE Supporter and Fellow.
Coordination and documentation is done by Nathalie Bissig, graduate designer FH. She studied photography at the dept. of media & arts at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Zürich, Switzerland.
Support for the information coverage and legal support is provided by the Free Software Foundation Europe.
Organisation and support in Malawi will be provided by Martin Thawani, Librarian, and David Chigama, GNU/Linux lecturer at the IT department of the University of Malawi The Polytechnic.
Information Strategy
Information coverage will be established through the weblog and web site at http://lix.cc/projects/malawi
Further there is an IRC Channel #malawi at chat.freenode.net
Alex Antener can be contacted by E-Mail at lix@lix.cc or antener@fsfeurope.org aim:alexantener skype:antener
Nathalie Bissig can be contacted by E-Mail at bissig@bissig.cc aim:nbissig skype:nbissig
Ramon Cahenzli can be contacted by E-Mail at ramon.cahenzli@hgkz.ch or rca@fsfe.org
Alex Antener 16th of April 2006
Last modification 1st of September 2006